Trick of the Senses
It came upon a midnight clear So when evil gets the urge
And up it rose to mess with your mind
My senses did catch it just stand and relax
So I froze and close your eyes
A barrage of sound
So soft, so sweet
So low in volume
But my ears it did meet
Work had just ended
And through the night I walked
All alone, by myself
Deep in thought
When out of nowhere
At me it came
Completely surrounded
Like moths to a flame
Scream I tried
But no sound came out
I knew this was the end
Without a doubt
I closed my eyes
As tight as I could
Wondering what to do
Fight back, I should
But when my eyes opened
The darkness was gone
And to my dismay
Had never been there all along
So just remember
Although evil exist
Sometimes when alone
Your realities will twist