The tree's song

This singing that I hear when no one is around, is quiet and light almost like a hum.
I listen further to hear words start to appear and follow the sound to an abandoned park covered with trees. i find myself suddenly in front of an old tree, and listen to the words carefully,
" Where there was once life there is not.
Where there was once sounds there's silence.
Where there was once lands of lush green,
there is only darkened roads.
I want my family to grow and grow,
but now there is no room.
I want to hear my brethren call,
but now I can't hear a tune.
I will continue to sing this song,
until someone comes along.
May I forever sing this song,
until someone who will change comes along."
I heard the lyrics and was surprised, that we were the undoing of our own demise.
I followed the instruction's in that song and still carry it along, I cleaned up the park and it good as new.
I then planted more to unto the poison we had stored and then the quickly grew and grew.
and now I can hear that old tree's brethren sing around the old park more clearly.
Finally proclaiming the coming of spring.



Great :)

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