like a tree
I am me
not someone I was expected to be
I started off like a tree
a seed planted inside my mommy
the difference between me and this tree is i can determine what I am to be
everyone I knew tried controlling me
like the wind and sun would control the baby tree
people folded me and molded me into their vision of what I should be
but as I came to age I escaped this cage
realizing my life was controlled only by me
unlike a silly growing tree only working to gain its stability
a successful independent women is what I am to be
no more about this dumb tree know this is going to be all about me and who I shall come to be
i will have class and confidence and education and grace
i shall do my best to keep a smile on my face
for me all I want is positivity
and when the day comes that someone else asks me how I came to be
a story will be told of how I started like a tree.