Trapped in the Gutters

I stand in the middle with the earth beneath my feet

I hear the bullets pierce the silence of the dead

I see the bridge where suffering and war meet

I feel the country that once was called home

I smell the fear when a riffle is near

I stand in the middle with the earth beneath my feet

I hear anger flood the streets

I see hope burn in every fire

I feel the dust of unlived years

I smell desperation in the fallen tears

I stand in the middle with the earth beneath my feet

I hear the hesitation in every decision

I see the deepest wish to softly die

I feel the desire to quietly run

I smell the pounding of every heart

I stand in the middle with the earth beneath my feet

I try in vain to erase the images

I try in vain to sink into the bloody soil

But there is no escape for any living soul

So instead I will die of grief

When my ears can no longer bear the sound

When my eyes can no longer bear to witness

And when my heart can no longer bear to withstand


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