

United States
28° 5' 25.9152" N, 82° 1' 8.0976" W

Taking ones innocence
How could it make since
At such a young age
You put me in a cage
How could you even ask
Take another drink from the flask
You wanted my
So you could have eternal blissfulness
With all the pain you've done
That time has never come
How do you feel about yourself
You put me on a shelf
So I could be put on display
I am in such dismay
After all this time
Insecurities out of line
Tell me how to recover
I really want a do over
Can you be so kind
And tell me what was on your mind
When you touched me
Everyone can see
I was a laughing stock at first
Telling me it was just thirst
"You only want attention"
But what I didn't mention
This has been going on for six years
Why don't I get cheers
I put up with for so long
Knowing it was all wrong
I was telling the truth
You were suppose to sooth
Then came the second attack
On the one who had my back
She is my friend
All the way to the end
She had to be harmed
For you to be alarmed
The one who touched me
Is now roaming free
Do you think he feels guilty
This is my reality
So everyone listen up
When I'm drowning I the tub
Always trying to smother
The fact that it was my brother~~
"From 1994-2000"


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