A Torn Heart
A young girl is going through tough times in her life
Sometimes things so tough she's not sure what will happen next
Everyone is leaving her and she sometimes feels alone
Friends have left her in her times of trouble
No one knows the truth behind her smile
She wants to stand in the hide her tears and hopes that no one will hear
Hear her screaming form the inside out
No one can see the pain she is in
She sometimes feels like the pain has eaten her from the inside out
Starting from her stomach working its way to her heart tearing it to pieces bit by bit
People expect her to be just like them
No one knows her family's struggles
She never shows her hurt and pain, she always blocks it form the world by always
smiling, smiling, smiling
She has been through so much in her life
sometimes crying herslf to sleep
She wants to stand in an open field and scream at the top of her lungs
Still she is robust in who she is.