Too Many Dead Dogs
It shouldn't be bothering me this much
I'm considered a grown man to most people
but damn
My synapses are imploding
It's not heartache
and soul crushing is too
It's odd
I leave home
to strike out on my own
to gain a new perspective
and to learn
I feel alienated
I always do
but I can pull through
that's what I do
Is the universe sending signs though
that within weeks
your dog convulses
chokes on its tongue
and dies
It's miniscule
I don't need to read to much into this
It seems this whole year has been like that though
The bands you listen to in High School break up
Your heroes die
classmates as well
It seems when I decided I needed a change
everything about where I was dissapated
So I can't fall back
There isn't a safety net
I'm okay with it
You need to be
why did have to be that damn dog.