Tonight We Stand

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 19:39 -- aekrol


United States
42° 37' 33.1644" N, 73° 6' 40.8816" W

Tonight lets stand around
This fire burning so strong
To night lets go of everything
That we have held on to for so long
Lets throw in the towel
Lets watch it burn
Let us realize
It was all just lessons learned
Let those long nights
Of wanting more than you got
Be lost in this fire
And be remembered not
Let those days
When they pushed you down
Be pushed under the flame
And watch them drown
Let go of that last kiss
And everything that was said
Let go and realize
They will have to make their own bed
People will reap what the sew
And they will get what they have given
Sometimes it takes time
The past is unforgiving
But tonight think back on all those times
Remember them just once more
Then throw them into the fire
And watch them embers sore
Let go of what holds you back
How you wished the story would have ended
Let this be a new beginning
Make it everything you intended


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