Tolerant - Intolerant
Tolerance or Intolerace, two sides of the same coin are both deeply embedded in our DNA
We were tolerant when Nirbhaya went through the capital shame and Asifa, a nine year old was brutalised
We were tolerant when hundreds of people died standing outside ATMs and thousands of emigrant labours perished in lockdown
We were tolerant when thousands of farmers, trapped in debt, committed suicide because their crop got destroyed leaving them little option
Tolerant we were too in the Unnao rape case, and still very-very tolerant after this latest horrid incident at Hathras
But when a depressed filmstar decides to strangulate himself, a country of 135 crore suddenly becomes very-very intolerant
When couple of celebrities spend time quietly at home chilling and partying, our intolerance goes in overdrive and we seek answers
When a physically challenged artiste is unable to stand for the anthem in an auditorium, our intolerance allows us to assault
We become Intolerant if queries are raised about national security or we wish to discuss rampant unemployment post COVID 19
Our intolerance becomes ballistic when we want answers to the sorry state of economy and the lost jobs and livelihoods
We all choose to be selectively tolerant or selectively intolerant depending upon what is expedient and more rewarding