Today's Catipillar
Now I know that in and throughout this unique nation
Success is based mainly on education
So I was one of the few who decided, long ago
To be the best student and make some dough
Of course, it wasn't, as it's never, all that easy
For one, fellow students began to tease me
At first, I stuck it out, trying not to complain
But these simple minds were driving me insane
So, as I'm told, I confide in my teacher
Asking her to discipline them, I beseech her
But, of course, there was "Nothing she could do"
And their teasing and bullying incresed as time flew
Along with all that, I was "obligated"
To help the ones by whom I was humiliated
Now as years of this past me by
And I arrived at the school of high
I realized I was not alone
And found a place I could call home
Now most kids aren't so fortunated
And their problems are still seen as innocent
So, come on, teach! help the smart and fragile
Grant your future a childhood and a smile
With your help, that child may be
On their way to success, like me!