today i decided
Today I decided to wear as short sleeved shirt.
Today I didn't care if anyone saw.
Today I stood in the middle of the crowd instead of the back
Today I felt strong, and brave, and un breakable.
I felt as if the world was just something passing me by
That nothing, and when I say nothing, I mean absolutely nothing could break me down.
So I stood up in the middle of the crowd
And I yelled :
"I am here"
And everyone ignored me.
So I climbed on top of the table and I yelled it as loud as I could
and one person turned around and looked at me and responded words that I will never forget
"Shut up, no one gives a fuck"
So I climbed down from my table of invincibility with a secret little smile on my face.
Because someone heard me, yeah they told me they didn't want to hear me again
But I was acknowledged.
I put on my sweater that covered the scars that my arms were filled with.
And I walked out of that crowded room; with the best feeling in the entire world.
Cause all I wanted to know was if I was really invisible
But someone heard me.