
I'm tired
So tired
Something I cannot shake
The remedy I know
Isn't just a break
I'm tired
So tired
I feel it in my home
My soul, my heart, my mind cries out
I just want to be alone!
I'm tired
So tired
Tired of how I feel
It can't be? Is it? No it can't be real!
Who is this girl? Who is she?
Is she me? I cannot tell.
Because she looks...so tired
And I'm certain that I'm well.
I'm tired
So tired
So dreadfully weighed down
I'm surrounded by these people
Who clearly aren't around
I'm tired
So tired
I know the remedy I seek
But I can't change for it
I don't want to! Don't you see?
It's not sleep I have a need of
Neither a break, nor of help
Because I'm sure of it!
CLEARLY! I am well.
I smile
I laugh
I do as I've always done
I continue to let you use me
As I endure to run
I'm tired
So tired
I'm sure this'll go away
But the road to rest is long
And filled with so much change
I'm tired
So tired
My feet ache like my back
I'm sure I'm growing older
But I see no time has passed
I'm tired
So tired
Too tired to even sleep
Too happy to even smile
And much too sad to even weep
I'm tired
So tired
You can't see it my face
I look as if I'm still running
But I've nearly lost this race
My body's old but young
My heart I stabbed myself
My days I waste away
It's the fault of no one else
Because you see I'm tired
Tired of how things were
Tired of what they are
And much too tired to say these words


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