Time Travel
Like oh so long ago
When young lake listened
and bright stars shown
and far roads are travled on.
We travel on
Through old swamps
In winters cold.
Warm blankets cover
Cover of darkness
Run Run
We dont know peace.
Like times before us
Crumble like smooth fall
We travle on.
Like oh so many years before
We loved more
Never shall the rain pour
For angles will not cry anymore
Stars shine in heaven above
Candles and light for questions
Ask me I will listen
Calm like the moon Glisten.
We fly away
In the storm like hall
Grace and power is my home
In my hands alone.
Cold legs and unfocused minds
and I will love that kind
Crispy sheets and old wounds
Clocks that tick, tock, tick
Things are not the way it seems
Yet I will love evermore.