Tight Rope
The re’s a ro pe but you ca n’t gr ab on
It’s slip ping t hrough my fin gers
My hand s are get ting red
He’s pul ling
Tryi ng to disconn ect it from my gra sp
My han ds slowly loo sen
I fa ll
And fall
Un til I can’t fall thr ough the air any more
I hit the sur face
My b ody merging w ith the ice cold wat er
He is goi ng furth er and furth er away
The pers on you trus t the most
Has the most po wer to hurt you
You let him h old your r ope
But he le t’s it go
It gets da rk
U ntil you can’t see him an ymore
And the n you realize you can’t see anythi ng
Dea th pushes and th en you go…
The Tight Rope is Gone