Tick Tick Tock
Oh my gosh
where do I start
so many things
just ticks my clock
like when people open my door
and dont close it back
when my neices come in my room
and throws everything on the floor
when my parents call my name
and dont want a thing
when my teachers yell at me
when i wasnt the one talking
when im walking down the hallway
and somebody bumps into me
when my coach tells us
to do play after play
when the water in the shower
goes from hot to cold
when people think they know me
but they really dont
oh my gosh
you just dont know
it just grinds my gears
when people take my stuff
without even asking
when people stare at me
and not say a thing
when i just got my nails done
and one of them breaks
when my hair is all done
and somebody touches it
when i got some brand new kicks
and somebody scuffs them
like watch where you going
you aint buy them
so many things that ticks my clock
if i kept going
you would learn alot
about what grinds my gears
and what ticks my clock
but im going to stop
before you learn what makes me mad
and what ticks my clock