Tick, Tick, Boom
My likes might not excite you
But they ignite me
When I sit back and truly ask myself
What is it that makes me come to life?
What is my passion, my motivation the reason I do what I do
Why, I would love to say it’s for others, that it’s for admiration or gratitude,
But I cant
Because the reason that sets my soul on fire
Is all for that mighty dollar
Money is my motivation it keeps me awake at night
It wakes me up early in the morning
It constantly stays on my mind, constantly in my realm of existence
The thing I crave, the thing I can never have enough of
Money can be the root of all evil but not to me,
you see It is the inspiration and a part of my needs
Money knocks me off my feet, makes me weak,
Makes my world go around
Keeps me from ever hitting the ground
Money is my sunshine on a rainy day
And lets me know that I will forever be ok