Thru the Eyes of Unimportance
White walls overcrowd with gold chains explicit language and tattoos
Pant sdrag against concrete
imprinting a woman's son's blood
Cool metal lies against thick hands
attached to a monsterous body
revealing ugly truth
Tear drops boast your ego
in which his face accompanies
My brother is This
My cousin is This
I am supposed to date
Fresh white covers this wooden picket fence
Creases form between the flabs of skini
mprinted from overuse
Row upon row of brick upon brick
The same structures remain unchanged
Husbands holds wife holds children
Barricaded is the two young heartbeats
Barricaded is the truths of the world
Barricaded is
Long hair should hug your back
Skin should wrap around your body
In silk
Hour glasses shape who we are
The slant of eyes
Girls die for
Recreate, make
Just to hate all over again
What defines beauty?
Beauty is the hour I take to apply makeup
Beauty is the crunches I do night & day
Beauty is the tears shed when deemed fat worthless and unattractive
Beauty is
Blonde streaks the black shirt worn on a paper thin body
Unintelligent thoughts flood her idle mind
Her manicured hand remains attached to gossip
Short skirts and Bare minerals are her saviors
Her mask of
Flawless lies
lips lock onto sholderpads
of lustful seduction
She is the representation
of mutalations
done by stereotypes
She is the blood
dripping from wrists
She is the strained vocal chords
Ringing through empty blackness
Raging themselves to get out
She is
This underlying Eutopia of an idea
Black is poverty intelligence
White is prosperous unity
Other is a box at the end of the lsit of the census
Nationalities make personalities
We are a society of imperfected lies
Watch these barriers come tumbling down
Into seas of forgetfullness and abhoration
Washed upon shores of land unknown
Lets let optimism be the American Dream
Lets take dusted hidden jewels
Uproot them from their shelld
grow and shine
Lets let love not be a color
Yet beautiful brown skinned babies
Lets let natural become human nature
Let us be human.