Through the Storm to Reach the Awesome
You thought you were walking down that lonesome road alone
Surrounded by trees, debris, and leaves.
The ominous dark gray clouds looming overhead.
The storm continues to roll in.
Thunder cackles in the distance as lightning illuminates the sky.
There you walk drenched in the rain’s downpour
Wondering why you have to face these trials and tests in life.
It is true that you may get weary, feel discouraged,
And possibly shed a tear, but I have good news.
So, don’t fear.
There is a calling on your life:
A gift waiting for you—a chance at eternal life.
All this strife that you may encounter day by day:
Depression, grief, sickness, pain,
Heartache, loneliness, and regret.
Your current situation will not last always.
I know of One who sacrificed His life
Because He loves us.
You don’t have to face the storm alone.
Your pain won’t last always,
For “weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.”
Hold your head up;
Look to the hills which cometh your help
For all your help comes from the Lord.
There is a purpose for you.
Believe in Jesus Christ;
God will see you through.
Other people find fame and fortune to be awesome;
Some may have friends and significant others that they find to be awesome.
However, knowing Jesus Christ,
That there is more beyond this earthly life,
To be saved and live right for Christ,
To know that the destruction, turmoil, and strife on this earth
Will not be my forever,
Is indeed awesome.
Who can love me like no other?
Who never fails and is all-powerful?
Who can deliver anyone out of any situation?
The one and only Holy Father.
So I don myself in a sleek red raincoat,
Slip on my durable gold boots,
And wrap a purple scarf around my neck
And tread through the violent storm
With faith in my God.
I already know that I am covered in His blood—protected from the attack of the enemy.
I am dressed for endurance, knowing that one day I’ll get to walk the streets of gold.
The purple that clothes me distinguishes that I belong to royalty.
A God of second chances who constantly blesses and protects His children.
I am grateful for every second.
Living a holy life and knowing that everything will be alright
Because of Jesus Christ…
Is in fact, very awesome.