a thousand
a thousand flights ago -
when all my friends were talking
about leaving, about leaving
and i was most vehement
but we all know at the end
of the summer i will be home
again, home in my habits
and home in my hallways
but you will all be gone,
by road and sky and sea
scattered around the globe,
and despite the promises we make -
i to leave, and never return,
you to find your way back
to me, we all know the truth:
you will run through the deserts,
and i by the rivers, and in the end
i will come home
and you will be gone;
a thousand diners ago -
whorls in the wood i sleepily trace
with one finger tip, looking up
at the waitress, smiling dopily
when she asks, ordering
a plate of waffles
to share
and you ordering a black coffee,
to go;
a thousand go-kart tracks ago -
swallowed gasoline, mussed hair,
the full moon cresting the horizon
behind the overpass entering the highway
which crosses this fair state
which we both hate -
when it was my birthday,
and i didn’t tell -
until later, and only as leverage,
as guilt -
when we drove in the cars
that were our freedom
and blew our money
on frivolous things;
a thousand things ago,
things that i didn’t say,
meant to say,
before you go, i say,
but only to myself
and it might be just
slightly too late.