Those Stars
It just took one thing to change my day
To lay in that field and look up.
The stars shining down with my head on your chest
I knew that this moment was enough.
Now alone in my room under the same sky
Your so far away and times passing by
But remember we're both so small in this world
To look up at the sky and remember that night
When the day melted away under a twinkling star
Because no matter how far, that sky's still the same
The stars watching down on us as we both move on
They disappear each day but return back to us
At night when our minds wander and teach us of love
For as long as the stars shine, there will always be an us
And that night in a large field, when love was enough
No distance or time could separate the stars
Cuz the night sky shows us no matter how tough
Tonight I'll remember you, and the story of us.