Those Silk Carnations



Every time, every day that I see those flowers

I think of you.

Why did I choose to keep them?


Those silk carnations remind me

Of the hurtful words

The pain

The tears

The suffering


I see the burning red-orange

The ivory white

Golden yellow


Those wretched flowers that I weaved

Through your dark hair

Listening to your deceptive giggles

Feeling the silken strands

Run through my fingers


The strands that ran through my fingers

Just like you did.



Those flowers remind me of the bleeding

The battle I fought with myself

Your laugh as I screamed at you

For mercy


But I have better things to do

Than to damn you

By the likeness of those flowers


Those silk carnations

Picked out on the drug of adrenaline

An unsteady pulse

A raging mind

And a smile

Full of the hope for love,

a friend


Oh my pretty little carnations!

I thank you for the constant reminder

That I can get through anything

That nothing could hurt me


I am saving you, one day, for him


So that I can leave the reminder of the beautiful day we had

And why I choose to forgive

Instead of seek revenge



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