These Walls


These Walls

My actions speak louder than my words

As a matter of fact my words don’t speak at all

I’m too afraid to express myself to you fully so I might as well speak to the wall

Yes these walls know my pain

 These same walls hears my silent cries in the middle of the night and knows they’re not in vain

These walls probably even know your name

Not from discerning you but from my heart’s proclaim

If these walls could speak perhaps they’d try to comfort me

But I wouldn’t let them because it’s my fault I fell in love and fell so deep

These four corners they know it all

From the sleepless nights to the morning’s call

These walls watch the sun rise upon my face as I dream of watching this same sun rise upon yours

These walls protect me at night just as I want to protect you and your all

I love these walls and if they could show affection it’s possible that they’d love me to

Until I do something like mark on them or tear them down precisely resembling what I did to you

Then, these walls would shun the sounds my tears

Close their ears to the sound of my tossing and turning

These walls would neglect to look upon my face as they once did

These walls will shun my mourning

Perhaps they’d tell me to be silent, to not let my voice be heard

Maybe because I remind them of someone they once knew who spoke unspoken words

But these words were only unspoken because they were expressed through endless tears

My heart conveys my mind exactly what to say but my mouth won’t even dare

To let me open them evenhanded enough to let you know how much I care

I guess my mouth is trying to protect me from the inevitable because I know it’s soon to come

The fact that I already lost the fight and that the battle is already done

I guess I have to thank these same walls because they only wanted the best for me until the very end

I’m just livid that I didn’t realize all this time that these walls were my only true friends!


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