There's no color for fakes in the rainbow

Mon, 09/02/2019 - 02:09 -- ARPoggy

What if this feeling is delusion
How can I know for sure I'm gay?
I was in the dark for so long
The light is disorienting
Cones and rods receive a technicolor world
But maybe it's illusion
I dont want to be playing pretend
A little girl dressing up as a queer
A princess seeking daydream dames
There's no way to fact check my brain
There's no way to prove this is real
My head is diseased
I know that already
But there's no telling how far down it goes
Maybe this is an abscessed tooth waiting to be extracted
Maybe I'll feel butterflies for boys who want me
Instead of girls who don't

This poem is about: 
My community



I have felt this exact thing so many times. I really do understand this... having this really feminine style along with only being out online, sometimes I worry that I'm just trying to be different, you know? Like, god, am I really gay or am I just being rebellious and overdramatic? Then, you know, I remember how freaking cute girls are, and how happy I am with them. I think these feelings are normal, a little bit, we're expected to constantly have to validate out sexuality, explain it to people, so of course we doubt ourselves sometimes.
I love this poem. I don't really like people who promote their own poetry in other people's comments, seems a little selfish, but I really think you'd like a poem I have from a while ago. If you look up the tag "benz," then it's the poem called "PSA" I don't know, it talks about this topic a little bit more. You still did a better job here, really. :) Good vibes.

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