Theres more to life
By: David Avery
The universe is full of magnificent things
And there is no way but journeying through the
World, and opening your mind, to see it.
Awe-some things like the sunset at night,
Or how morning glory’s look when exposed to light
Or literally the mountains you see driving
Carelessly to and from school. For these
And the like reasons, you have to discover.
And look around, and open your mind to these things
And sometimes try to capture it all. And, I know
What you will do with the experience you get
while taking fun road-trips, or going on mountain hikes
with your closest friends, and I know these things can be
good for you. And you will have to do them
in order to feel the passion that I do
if you want to. And if you do not, then find your passion,
at least, amidst the grand confusion of the world
in your language, the way it’s meant to be
And then use your passion to fuel other people