There Is a World Out There
There is a world of prejudice out there
One filled with more hate than I could write
It progresses on
Even as its inhabitants don't
There is a world of hypocracy out there
Which judges those not only for the flaws they can help
But also for those they cannot
As I grew up in this world
I watched the hope of many fall
There is a world out there that destroys some of us
But I think things could be different if we layed down our arms
If we stopped calling our fellow sisters sluts
And our fellow men evil
I think that things could be better
If we stopped blaming people's flaws on their skin color,
On their sexuality,
On their past
I think the mistakes could be healed,
Though not forgotten,
If we thought more about the one next to us
Versus our own misgivings
There is a world out there that has the ability to change
If only we let it.