My Kingdom
Why would I write?
When written word is a losing fight
Waking up with bruises, it's been a long night
Why would I scribble?
When these songs are quick to nibble
away at my ears, it fills my eyes with tears
They stream down my face, call it forgotten fears
They can clear my head for seconds
But, I want them gone for all my years
Why would I construct verse?
When my pen was driven off in a hearse
I threw it in the car because we all said "I concur."
We said we are tired of getting teased
But what we didn't know...
Was we just pleased our foe
Since I lost the pen closest, I feel enslaved
The world around me has concaved
If only those other kids would have behaved
They found a way, inside my head
I was staying up late, staring at the ceiling... from my bed
Enslaved, imprisoned, I felt brain dead
I couldn't put my thoughts to words...
Writing is the key to my freedom
It opens the door to my kingdom
All I need to find is my utensil
It could be a pen, brush, or pencil
I hope that others will follow me like a stencil
When I write
i feel like a guide
There are many others in my kingdom
The place where a mind can freely reside
As long as the one rule you abide
Open up and be strongest, when others want you to hide
An inspirational fellow
His voice felt cool and mellow
Unfortunately, we lost him one day...
He went by the name, MLK
Equality and freedom is why he wrote
His soothing words wrapped us tight like a coat
So I guess, this is why I start every note
So even in the harshest of floods, I can be your boat
I write because it is the key,
And this will unlock my freedom
Once I'm there,
I'll show you around my incredible kingdom