There It Is: Nowhere
There it is: nowhere, the idea has left
Like a lightning bolt striking the air, and as deft
As a mouse escaping beneath the stair-
Where it has gone to I never shall know
Nor am I intent on finding out anymore-
Time is long and time is short but one thing I have found,
Thoughts are often like waves on a shore
Coming and going with no conscience or care
As to which direction they are bound
Or the paths on the sand that their traveling wore.
There it is: nowhere, the inspirations
That had filled my head a moment before
Are now lost in the ocean of life’s constant desire
For wisdom and learning and dreams that failed,
Thinkers and dreamers that don’t dream anymore
Whose thoughts were destroyed in memory’s fire
And whose ships full of sonnets and poems have sailed
Away, far away, for more rhymes to acquire.
There it is: nowhere, the words have gone,
Like the very short charm of a played out song,
They vanish and fade against my wishes-
It seems that to me these thoughts don’t belong,
That these poems and words are unruly fishes,
In an ocean of life’s constant desire,
Where no man can ever grow any younger,
To catch and to claim and to always require
Another, to satisfy life’s artful hunger.