The Theory of Hope

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 15:25 -- pterra


United States
28° 6' 2.0412" N, 97° 48' 24.786" W

The beginning of new life prophesies the end of another,
But do not let this newborn life be the one your forced hand smothers.
The end of time marks the beginning of the day the world will stand still.
The master of our fate is forever locked within the darkness of our inner will.

What am I if I am not alive?
In this world of tyranny, we all must fight to survive.
When the fear to live is much too overwhelming, what can one do to conquer the master in the dark recesses of the human mind?
Only, when we conquer our fears do the angels render our scarred eyes blind.

Into the holy fires of love and war, do I yearn for the newborn life with fervor.
Into the glorious gates of Hell, do I meet thy master’s server.
On this woeful day, do I finally hear the suffering beauty of silence.
Into the stadium of death, the fierce gladiators shout their cries of defiance.

How do I keep these desperate, suffocating feelings at bay?
To feel the love I cherished so deeply, slip away.
Your name forever stitched into the endless seam of my broken heart.
The master of death invades my peaceful dreams, waking me with a start.

The voices in my head echo their silent screams.
The life I shared with you must be nothing more than a ghastly, tortured, dream.
My sorrow for your loss I must strive to forget in vain.
The mark you left on me smolders, like the cursed mark of Cain.

Is their hope on this woeful day?
Will you return to me and stay the demons of my blackened mind away?
Shall our fates entwine like the mesmerizing dance of countenance?
Will you put an end to the master of deceit, with his rage that spreads like pestilence?

I shall love you, even after I have drowned in the fire of your hate.
If we survive the final battle, the masters’ revulsion towards our shared love will determine our bitter fates.
A monstrosity was released from our tainted minds, spreading chaos through the souls of the devious.
The newborn saint, now bearing the signs of corruption, looks at the world with eyes vacantly insidious.

Can we restore the balance between the good and bad?
Yes. We can return to the life we once cherished, the life we once had.
Then, once restored, we shall douse ourselves in the light of magniloquence.
The world once again brimming with life once lost, shall surrender to its dreaded reluctance.

The newborn’s life formerly bright and innocent, now burns with the corruption upon which we once thrived.
The master retreats back into the dark recesses of my flawed mind, awaiting the day he will once again be revived.
The love we shared that caused so much pain, now descends into the softness of eternity.
I grasp at the life I vainly loathed, hoping now, my life will not end in uncertainty.


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