Walls signed in every color
Every message better than the last.
Echoes of lines said,
Songs sung,
Memories made,
Dances done.
In shows long past.
Knickknacks, books,
Odds and ends of any kind.
A million shoes,
Jewelry galore,
Hats, belts,
Scarves and more.
Dresses and coats of every style.
Each one holding its own secrets.
Its own character hidden away.
You turn and face the lights.
You can almost see the faces.
Hear the applause of hundreds,
Of thousands.
You turn and see the silhouettes
Of buildings, walls,
Mere memories
On the cold black wooden walls.
The laughter of casts echo
Like ghosts.
You hear a creaking sound,
The building settling.
No one,
Yet so full.
For even in emptiness- it is crowded.
And even in silence- it shouts!
Even in unimportance- it is important!
And even in peace- it fights
To live,
To entertain,
To teach,
To perform.
To be something more than just an old building
Just left to rot.
And something less than a home.
To hold mystery,
Beauty, romance,
Action, silence.
To hold a secret.
A secret of
Once upon a times
And happily ever afters
And all that happens in-between.
The wonderful magic of