Thank You Cello
Some things can only
be spoken through song.
Whatever the platform, its true.
Some people choose to sing their song through lips.
But while I can, I prefer the sweet sounds of my cello.
For the feeling of dragging bow across string is the closest thing to flying I think, I will ever get.
The sounds it produces are heavier than words, but lighter than feathers.
I learned so much from countless hours of hard work and practice.
Countless hours of studying and learning.
Countless hours of dedication,
taught me that those who work hard will produce luscious music. That flows like honey and glimmers like gold.
To this day I struggle to grasp, how wood and metal and horse hair, could ever be so bittersweet.
Could ever invoke so much love and emotion.
And tears.
And thoughts.
The thoughts my cello gives me are to be charished in my mind forever,
And forever more will my cello drown on and on,
To the end of earth,
To the end of time.
In pieces or in silence my cello will be heard,
Because cello taught me that without silence, their is no music.
Sometimes to hear the true beauties of life there must be quiet.
In quiet there is sweet music. Waiting for those who respond, to its cry.
Music dances from ear to ear as I separate harmonies from chords, and put them together again to create something I never, thought possible.
Cello taught me impossible too.
So often I find myself lost, in the captivating cries of my instrument,
unable to emerge from the waves of passion it brings me.
I am forever buried in the thick molasses that is my song.
My cello.
My music.
Lie back and let it take you too. Surrender yourself to the sweet sounds o my god has created. Let us sit and enjoy the pleasing songs of this world. And the sweetness of our musical silence as well.
So close to my heart and soul, is my cello and its intense and urgent,
its heavenly and peaceful,
its persistant and loving songs.
Thank you cello, for filling my emtyness
Thank you cello, for your love
And for your songs
For teaching me so much.
And for the love and passion you bring with each fingered note.
And for teaching me also, one last thing:
Sometimes, music speaks louder than words.
And that music, is the key to my heart. Forevermore.
Thank you cello.