TFW you really know the answer
You don’t have to talk, You don’t have to talk.
You don’t have to be heard right now.
They don’t need to hear it right now.
Your words matter, your voice matters, your feelings matter.
Your heart matters,
But it is not your job to speak the truth.
It is not your job to say what they want you to say.
It is not your job to tell their favorite part of your story.
It is not your job to please them.
It is not your job to do it all.
Talk when you want. Talk when you’re ready.
Talk when your heart does not feel so heavy.
Or do, if you want to, but you don’t have to.
If it’s heavy, that’s probably okay, but know that it’s heavy.
Heavy with feelings too hot for words.
Too hot and red and dark and steaming.
It slips through the fingers.
Small black pieces filtered out.
You can open yourself to everyone if you want to,
But you don’t have to bleed for anyone.