Testify Before the Jury
I have a question
And do answer this
With the truth,
The whole truth,
And nothing but the
How big are
The tassles you
Are the tassles
You wear, bigger
Than the tassles
You wear on your
How wide are
Your phylacteries
On your head and
On your wrist?
Are the boxes
Tied around your
Wrist and forehead
Wider than
The words tied
Around the Head and
Wrist of your
And how loud
Are the trumpets
You sound when
Your left hand
Makes good friends
With your right?
Do they deafen
The sound of
Trumpets that
The mouth of
Your heart makes?
Does your left hand
Know your right
Hand like a title
Of a book?
And how long are
Your prayers to
The highest of heavens?
Are they scrolls
That are 24-feet
Wide and reach the
Fury of the
Is the scroll
Of your heart
Larger than your
24-feet scroll?
And about your
Fasting: When
You go in the
Desert for 40
Do you weep
And command
The stone to
Become bread?
Is your heart
Gloomier than
The thundering
Cloud of anger
You wear for
The god of Pity?
And what about
The inside of
Your tomb?
Is it as whitewashed
As the outside
Or do worms eat
And rot up your
Kingly heart?
The trial stands
You're at the stand
And your sentence is
Based on the jury's
So do us all
A solid, so
That your trial
And sentencing
Can be speedy,
Or don't, and
Face a life-
Long death by
Hanging for
Such crimes
And answer
With the hole
In your heart,
Whose blood
Cries out from the
With the
The whole truth,
And nothing but
The Truth.