A Terrible Contradiction.
A terrible contradiction,
is what I find myself to be.
I'm a "people person"
I'm solitary.
I'm socially awkward.
I'm social.
I'm ambitious.
I'm lazy.
I'm a dreamer.
I'm a realist.
I can perform shows in front of hundreds,
but she baffles me.
A terrible contradiction,
A healthy addiction,
A happy crucifixion,
A nonfiction piece of fiction.
My heart feels, my eyes see, my brain thinks
but none alike.
Crazy, a legless man on a bike.
A puzzle with no picture,
Hieroglyphics without a Rosetta Stone;
journeying mapless into an alien zone.
A terrible contradiction.
I love quiet,
but I hate silence.
I love the night time,
I'm scared of the dark.
A coral reef teeming with life and ambitions.
A watery abyss inhabited by only doubts and objections.
A terrible contradiction;
an oxy moron.
It doesn't make sense
Maybe it won't ever.