Ten Minute Coincidence
When you catch the black-eyed man’s black eyes on the station platform
and don’t think anything of it, because his eyes are only two in many
millions, maybe, or a thousand you’ve seen that day, only
a little bit darker
and you don’t think anything of it,
that’s your prerogative. I,
for one,
wouldn’t blame you,
because who, except for protagonists in
bad art noir films,
really thinks about the pair of browner-than-brown eyes on the subway
when they catch the early train
to be fair,
you were probably thinking about the split in your chipped nail
that caught in the shower while you were washing your hair
or the text your best friend or your boyfriend sent
that you missed at midnight because your hands were
slithering sultry down the band of your pajama pants.
And to be fair,
you probably don’t recognize him
when you stop for the (nonfat skim) latte
you get every morning from a barista named
Macy or Jamal or Amalie or River
with the tied back white/black/blue/green dreads
so there’s no reason
for you to see him when he steps by your secretary desk
and asks to see the boss.
Slap the keyboard a couple times—
Do you have an appointment, you say, glossed lips splitting
slithering, sultry,
accidental. did you have a meeting planned
If he says yes, or no, it doesn’t matter,
by now those eyes are blacker than black,
by now those eyes are sicker than sick
and it’s no coincidence he was
on your morning train
or in your coffee shop
or that his name was spelled into the foam of your
(nonfat skim) latte
and you’re sliding your hand
slithering sultry down the band of your
gray librarian work skirt
when the shots go off in the room behind you
when the screams go off in the room behind you
when the fear fires off in the room behind you
To be fair
when you woke up this morning
you did not believe in coincidence
except for protagonists
in bad romantic comedies
and you certainly
did not believe in coincidence like this
where you slide
slithering, sultry
beneath your desk.
Slippery, bloody,
fingers on the keypad of your mobile.