I look at you and I see so much you have hidden from others and the world.
All your pain, the untold fears, the scars and even the thought of death
has plagued your mind once upon a time.
I speak to you looking in your eyes,
I grab your hands and say look no further, please do not fear me,
I'm not going to hurt you like all the rest.
Taking each other by the hands,
leading each other, to forget our wary souls.
We have led each other past temptation and darkness,
We've stared into each other's abyss and it has looked back upon us,
losing one another to find ourselves.
Longing for that which we have wanted for so long,
love, compassion, a lover, a friend, someone who makes you feel wanted.
We are here. Both knowing what we have dared to wish for
following our instincts as I see you and you see me,
I love you and you me.
Letting go now, for this has been more than an illusion,
It has been a dream, that will become our reality
*Allen Bais*