Tears And Smiles

Tears fall;

Laughs echo trhough space.

Joy and sorrow

eternally coexisting;

Happiness and fear,

never one without the other.

Dance with delight;

Shake in terror;

Smile with glee;

Cry with grief.

Impossible to isolate,

always a swirl.

Some feel great;

glorious, wonderful;

Others feel depressing,

full of loneliness and horror.

So much of everything;

so many new ones,

but ones already there will

never, ever leave.

Sadness shoved away by joy;

but a little remains.

Joy moved out by fear;

but a little remains.

Joy washed away by grief;

but a little remains.

Grief evaporated by love;

but a little remains.

Bitter-sweet emotions in the room.

So much of everything;

a constant storm of emotions,

tears and laughs.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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