Te amo
Te amo...
The words meaning I love you,
What is the meaning I love you?
To some people it is a chemical in the head that shows attraction to a man or woman,
Or to some it is something people want to experience instead of getting a side view,
To some the words remind them of their childhood who they later became sweethearts,
Or to some it's the joining of two souls who say,"I do,"
To some it's the moment when they conceive a form of love that no words can convey the meaning of I love you,
Or to some it's a form of way to keep people under their thumb and abuse the right of love,
To some it's a significant meaning where they show love by paying it forward to whom needs it the most,
Or to some it comes in the form of their passions in life to pursue it and not giving up,
To some it's forgiving the past hurts that not even some people realize that the person didn't have to forgive but still did,
Or to some it's everyday life of how they deal with their loved one in everyday life just because all they want is you...
To say te amo is a step of courage and power that once said it is enough to brighten up anyones day,
Or to say the words, "Te amo," is like trying to convey it when there is no way to show it,
Cause to show it would be impossible since no amount of words or actions can show love except just saying, "I will give you my love for the rest of my life,"
So to say, "Te amo," is meaning I will do whatever it takes to prove that I love you.