Sweet NYC Girl
There she is,
that someone for you to hold.
Such striking beauty,
framed around Broadway lights,
and glittering gilded gold.
You steeled yourself up,
closed the shutters,
bolted the door.
You let the ivy climb,
ensnare around your body,
breaking through cracks,
and tearing at your soul.
Look at her man,
scarf silently wrapped around her,
with that sweet aire of love,
she's going to be that someone,
for you to be friends and lovers.
Feel that ice melt,
ten-hundred degrees melting your soul.
You dread but love it,
sick and tired of the cold,
welcome that sweet ivy,
that ensnarer of yours,
she's the queen of your heart,
she's the passion of your life's score.
You steeled yourself up,
closed the shutters,
bolted the door.
You let the ivy climb,
ensnare around your body,
breaking through cracks,
tearing at, freeing your soul.