You make me laugh like a girl
Around you, I smile like nobody could be happier than I am,
And everything is cute
Like babys and small shoes and pandas
Because you know I love pandas
And everything is so much bigger than it is,
Like a house or a train or a plane,
Because you're superman in the form of yourself
And even if this is just the beginning,
That is why I love every piece of you, so far,
You save me with my laughter,
And you hold me in such high views that I'm afraid I'm going to fall
But its okay, because you are waiting there to catch me,
But I dont want you to catch me!
I want you to grow wings and fly right beside me,
Because baby you are just as high in my eyes,
Rising above guilty by association,
And you are so innocent in some ways
And I pray you will stay that way for a very long time,
Because I want you to. Because I need you too.
Because that's one of the things I love about you.
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hery heartfelt poem about someone you care deeply for
like the metaphors of comparing this person to traits of superman
keep writing
Your love is very well expressed in this poem. Keep writing on my friend!
Love is not a word,
It is a base for words,
And it waits for us to put on our truths.
You say in this what you want to say into the air,
Put into vibrations, into voice,
And I can hear your own truth.
It's beautiful, finding a little more joy in the world.
Does this website have a like button? Well... If it did I'd click the 'like' button for this poem.