Bruised, unripe; I lay, weeping, imperfect and alone, the toy missing wheels.
An unattained dream, fantasy, and hope, still sealed with putrid rubber cement.
Wanting, hungry, criminal in mind; I radiate damage not even duct-tape can fix.
Glistening, angelic almost, breathing sunlight against the persistent darkness.
Juicy, pretty, gold; molten and omnipresent, I have undergone a metamorphosis.
Special is where I take my aim, wanting to be the first and last thought before dreamland.
Captured, a gilded cage, put up on the pedestal that awaits my weight.
Glowing- I have now eclipsed your mind’s eye, exact in every detail, fatuous and flawless.
Bountiful, producing, no longer am I the movie extra.
Secure in all I am, admired from afar. You are all, and I am everything… before the cracks begin to show.