Sugar and Flowers
Growing up we were taught about the sticks and stones and broken bones
We were taught that cruel words are just intangible objects that can't really hurt us
That mean words mean nothing
But what they should have taught us was that it's not the mean words the hurt the most
It's the sweet ones
Forget the sticks and stones, because I fear the flowers and sugar
Flowers and sugar
You're beautiful
You're wonderful
I need you
I want you
And the most hurtful of them all
I love you
I'd prefer sticks and stones because at least they can only harm me on the out side
Flowers take root in your heart
They entangle them self into your soul
Sugar fills you veins
Giving you a rush of excitement and a beautiful energy
But then some one stops caring
The flowers wither away because no one takes the time to water then anymore
And as that flora starts to shrink away, it takes apart of your heart and soul with it
That sugar rush that once made you bounce off the walls, now slowly leaves your system
Leaving you drained, tired, and with an ache in your stomach
I wish they would of spent less time teaching me to ignore the harsh words
And spent more time teaching me to take caution when it comes to the kind lies
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
Sugar and flowers fell good for a few hours but love will kill you slowly