Stressful Bliss

With each day came another obstacle,

Another essay to write,

Another test to study for,

Another assingment to complete.

Don't even ask me about my SATs and ACTs!

With an unbelieveble amount of work ahead of me,

I somehow found my way out of the junior year abyss

And entered the utopia of a relaxing summer.

With the help of some friends I was reminded

That there is more to life than college preparation!

And as senior year began,

So did the year of lasts.

Last first day of high school,

Last homecoming,

And the last year were I would need to ask for a bathroom pass!

This year has been quite the whirlwind of chaos.

Oh, did I mention I hope to be an athlete in college?

That speaking to college coaches is incredible nerve wracking?

It is not only, "Plase accept me to your college!", 

It is also, "Please let me play on your team!"

Anyways, enough whining, I have a lot to be grateful for.

I have endless opportunity and a future ahead of me.

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