Strawberry Fields Forever
Yellow swamp flowers stand like sentinels along the waterway,
Their faces beaming broad grins;
For they keep a secret
With fairy like wonder,
Finding it to be the greatest humor –
An inside joke amongst themselves.
It’s a secret they are unwilling to share,
But brings a mystified smile –
A feeling of wonder and awe
To those who pass by.
In the distance, butterflies dance
In sync like ballerinas
Performing A Midnight Summer’s Night Dream.
As far as the eye can see,
Fields full of green.
Summer’s bounty
Summer at its apex.
A humming sound fills the air;
Hundreds of bees
Moving from field to field,
Doing their jobs.
Powerful rays beam down
Casting a fiery blaze everywhere it touches.
The Beetles –
Strawberry Fields Forever
On repeat in my head,
A feathery breeze passes by
Bringing with it the faintest smell of roses and wildflowers;
Everything’s good,
Everything’s in order.