Strange Fruit
Lynch: (of a mob) to kill (someone), especially by hanging, for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial …
It has gone on for years and 3,446 of those lynchings were of black people
To be black and to be male is a crime not only to America but to humanity itself
And America does not discriminate…
When black boy is Born, God’s tattoo of lining form circle on hands
Why do you think police ask them to put their hands up?
They call it target practice …
Soon after all of black boy become target
Become practice
Become terminated
Dayne Jones…
A 24 year old black male who was lynched in St. Louis, October 17, 2018…
They say he was found hanging by a bedsheet in his mother’s backyard , I guess death wanted him to feel more comfortable when accepting his fate.
And there it was … police claimed it to be a suicide
His mother told him to stay inside that day…
It is claimed a suicide because of circumstance
Skin color is his circumstance
Gender is his circumstance
They don’t teach black boys to stay indoors, I guess that’s why they always ask to hang out—side
They say he was at the wrong place at the wrong time … I guess he was asking for it
They also said the higher you are the closer you are to God
So he hangs …
He is strange fruit, oddly intriguing while seeding into the minds of young black boys, do you wish to taste this flavor ?
This is what they came to see
The red juice of strange fruit hanging
Dripping …
They say it is better to be fresh than shriveled, so they continue the ritual they call it rejuvenation
Something so godly in power, they decide to play God
Strip black boys of existence
Strip him of root
And place him on a tree
He is America’s greatest medal — now HANG!
They say black boys do grow on trees … but that is also where they die. I believe the term is cycle ...
Suicide by circumstance, she told him to stay inside that day
And as the blood from his fingers trickle down back to earth , it is enough to bring back every black boy lynched from the dead
They say if you say his name 5 times the grief will go into you
Maybe that’s why poets keep the names of the dead engraved on their tongues , spit out grief from a body that never felt the kiss of nouse—— I mean bedsheet
They say there were no signs of struggle… I guess the bedsheet did its job
I guess America did its job …