The Straight-Edge's Plea
The poke of a needle, a small sigh of smoke,
a bottle drained empty, a pill crushed to powder,
and then you see them, the lost and wretched,
mouths gaping, tongues lolling, eyes full of mad light,
staring slack-jawed at visions of dark fire and malevolent stars.
It is poison: wretched, fell, coursing wetly through veins.
It is corruption: black, ugly, binding like twisted vines.
It is limitation: grasping, holding, dragging down into the abyss.
But to hear the voices of the many, I would think it sweet honey.
So it is, and so it has been.
What are we? We are human - that most powerful force of all.
Why are we? To overcome, to defy ourselves and our destinies to become something more.
I would have us be Icarus, to fly high heedless of the calls of those who would limit us.
Yet we would bind ourselves with chains of needle-iron, melt our pill-powder wings with lighters,
and plunge helpless into a sea of broken bottles.
Please embrace it - the word that lives in my soul,
that word that echoes the beat of my life,
that word that is my hope and my solace.
Indeed, can you not hear it? "Change!" my heart cries, "Change!",
and soon you will not just hear, but listen!
The time has come to stand against ourselves, our worst enemy.
The time has come to stand with ourselves, our staunchest ally.
The time has come to close our eyes to the false visions.
The time has come to cast aside our needles and pipes.
The time has come to spit out the bitter bile of the bottle.
Our chains shall be broken, pulled apart link by link by our own hands.
The ocean of glass will be swept away, helpless before the winds of our resolve.
Next to the fire of our determination, the glow of the fell sun will be cold and dim.
Blazing, radient, we will leave our old selves behind,
flying on divine wings forged from the steel of our all-encompassing WILL!