The Storm
I see the clouds coming,
overhead is a large storm.
The thunder cracks,
causing the shaking motion of our shack.
Grandpa rocks in his chair,
and reads his book,
but I don't think we are taking cover properly.
Mom has her radio on,
as dad is looking out the window.
There is fear in his eyes.
He sees something out there,
ahead in the skies.
Mom looks concerned,
but tries to remain calm for sis'.
Dad walks out onto the porch,
but is gone for awhile.
The storm is getting stronger.
Mom runs outside,
but returns in tears.
I ask what is wrong,
but she ignores me and walks over to Pop.
She asks him what to do,
he has a solemn response.
I walk over to the window,
but don't see dad outside.
I look at my mom,
her response is,
now's a good time for goodbye.
This poem is about:
Our world
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: