Stolen Yet Set Free
You knew what you were doing when you picked me
You knew what was going to happen that night
You knew I was the one when I climbed down that tree
Little did I know I was in for a fright
I was too trusting to see the bad
I was too young to understand
I didn't see the mask you had
Things did not go as I planned
You gave me a drink after putting in a drug
You watched as I unknowningly took a sip
You started to act smug
My head slowly started to dip
I woke with a jump
I could barely remember pass the migraine
I listened to you say what happened, and I started to slump
Tears clouded my eyes as my body ached in pain
You told me you loved me
You made this go on for days
You made me lose sight of my beauty
Depression made time turn to a haze
I tried to kill myself to forget
I didn't want to live anymore, for I hated what you had done
I could not sleep or I would wake in a cold sweat
He made me never say a word, so I had no one
Poetry got me through the pain of being alone
Poetry got me to accept what he did to me
Poetry saved me from receiving a headstone
The words set me free