Stay with Me

My muscles go tense

My sight goes blurry

I begin to panic and worry

Me head pound an my heart races


Something is dripping and streaming down my skin

On my face, my arms, my shirt

They're all wet with this sticky, red liquid

The last words are close to my ear

"Stay with me; they're almost here"


Everything goes black

There's no sight, no sound, no feeling

Just me in this empty, black space

Then, something hits me

I'm wide awake


Bright lights behind unknown faces

A soft object beneath my head

A quiet beep by the side of the bed

A sweet, calming aroma

Someone tenderly holding my hand


My entire body hurts

I don't move; just watch and listen

A man's familiar face comes to view

I see his eyes glisten

He smiles and kisses my head

"I knew you'd stay with me," he said


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