Everyone has to go. Everyone is obligated to learn.
It’s synonymous with feelings of dread, tediousness, and apprehension.
My school.
Everyone wants to go. Everyone wants to learn.
It is synonymous with feelings of excitement, engagement, and confidence.
The government is obsessed with standardization, but they are focusing on the wrong things.
I don’t want to just be a part on the education assembly line. I want to be an individual.
I want be like Hugh is to the Borg. I’m here to say that resistance is not futile.
At my school, students get up early, like 4:30 AM early, without an argument, because we want to go. #StandardizeThat
At my school, we have no lockers, just open cubbies. Trust, respect, responsibility. #StandardizeThat
At MY school, we have no textbooks, only laptops. We have current information and learn to stay on task. #StandardizeThat
So what’s so special about MY school?
What makes it different?
Why is it a revolutionary idea to teach students so that they learn the material, not to regurgitate the information on tests?
At my school, we are a family. We stick up for each other. Bullying rarely happens. #StandardizeThat
At my school, we work in groups to teach us real-world experience in working with difficult people. #StandardizeThat
At MY school, we work with community partners to make connections that involves us in current issues. #StandardizeThat
It doesn’t have to be tedious. It doesn’t have to be a chore.
Education MUST adapt if America strives to be on the top of the rat-race we call the "global education race.”