
I felt a stabbing pain

when i found out the truth

the truth about you and the truth about me

I've never been stabbed before

How does it feel?

Do you first get a shock as you feel your skin tear open

and is that followed by a stinging, almost burning pain and do you feel

the warmth of the blood as it flows out and over your skin. Does it hurt so

bad that your eyes start losing their sight and your vision becomes blurry

as the clear bodily fluid starts to collect itself in them. Does it take longer then it should for you

to realise that hey, you've been stabbed because your mind is blank

and all you can think about is the pain. Oh...that pain.

I've never been stabbed before but when it finally registers what do you do?

Is your first thought to take care of the wound...only if you could put that broken

skin back together and that blood back in its vains

Believe me

I've never been stabbed before

But I think I know how it feels


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